The Go Somewhere Good campaign runs from June 24th - Aug 12th. 

Here's how you can get involved.

1. Book a free Go Somewhere Good year group assembly*.

Your local engagement leads will come to your school to help your students prepare for the summer and understand their support options. 

*Limited availability - book now to avoid disappointment!

A photo showing a year-group being presented to by a Kooth Engagement Lead

2. Book onto one of our live KoothKlass webinars for Go Somewhere Good inspiration.

Stream direct into your classrooms.

The Go Somewhere Good hero image
KoothKlass: Go Somewhere Good this Summer
Dates: Weds 3rd & Thurs 4th July
The sessions will be exploring how going somewhere good can help support wellbeing over the summer holiday. There are 4 sessions over 2 days to give you maximum chance of streaming into your classrooms.

3. Explore ideas to boost wellbeing and online safety over the summer with our handy Discussion Guide.

(Click image to download)

Click to Download the Go Somewhere Good Discussion Guide s creenshot - click to download

4. Encourage your students to get involved by displaying our Go Somewhere Good poster.

(Click image to download)

We recommend displaying posters where young people can access them in private, such as the back of toilet cubicles

Click to Download the Go Somewhere Good full poster

5. Supporting families over the summer is just as important

Many families can’t afford to take their children on holiday, or to take time off work at all.  With such a huge change in daily routine, families can often worry about  their child's wellbeing and need some guidance on how best to support them. Please share our Go Somewhere Good for Families content to any parents or carers who need support. 


Go Somewhere Good resources for families.

Free KoothTalks webinar:

Parenting pressures during the summer holidays

The Go Somewhere Good hero image

Access this free webinar where we'll be discussing the various pressures parents often feel, and exploring proactive ways to work through them.

Spark conversations and actions with our summer activity sheets

These summer activity sheets are great ways for families to spark conversations with young people and encourage positive pursuits during the holidays.

From quick, 15 minute exercises to more in-depth 45 minute activities, these sheets are designed to help young people build resilience and coping strategies and develop more effective communication skills.

Calming individual activities for summer

Explore ideas and build resilience with these thought-provoking calming exercises. 

Energetic group activities for summer

With a focus on fun and energetic exploration, these energetic activities help young people understand social situations, develop positive habits and build resilience in a group setting.

Find more supportive resources for families below

6. Staying safe online

Lots of young people will spend even more time on their phones during the long summer break. We put together some resources to help your students stay safe online over the summer.


Plus: Don't miss these free end-of-year KoothTalks webinars to help you support young people in transition:

The Go Somewhere Good hero image
Topic: How Kooth can support with anxiety around transitioning to secondary school
Age Group: Y6
Date: June 25th
Times: 10am & 11am
The Go Somewhere Good hero image
Topic: How Kooth can support with anxiety around leaving secondary school
Age Group: Y11
Date: June 26th
Times: 10am & 2pm
GSG-Digital-Assets-The Go Somewhere Good hero imageReversal
Topic: Leaving school or college - how Kooth can help you handle change
Age Group: Y13
Date: July 1st
Times: 10am & 2pm

No problem is too big or too small 


An infographic showing the many different things Kooth can help with

How can Kooth help my students?

Kooth is funded by the NHS and accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

We provide immediate support. Your students can get help they need, when they need it.

Safeguarding is at the heart of what we do. All content and discussions are professionally moderated.

Professional support and counselling is available after school hours (up to 10pm).

Everyone is welcome. No problem is too big or small.

Kooth is the UK's leading digital mental health service with over 20 years' experience.